ISCIS 2018 Keynote talks

Our keynotes:

How better balance the requirements of energy costs and quality of service in computer and  communication systems

prof. Erol Gelenbe - home page 

Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics of PAS, Gliwice, Poland
ISN Group, EEE Department, Imperial College London

Abstract:  ICT is now consuming 5-8% of electrical energy worldwide on average with higher values, around 10%, in the developed countries. The amount is growing worldwide at a rate of roughly 5%, and electricity expenditures are a major part of the costs of telecommunications and computer operations. Due to the resulting environmental impact, this may create some day both cost and societal barriers to the development of ICT. Based on our recent research, we will describe how a computer or communication system can better balance the requirements of energy costs and quality of service. We will also discuss some future technologies that can considerably reduce these expenditures in electrical energy.


 The impact of emerging information technologies on persons’ privacy

prof. Wojciech Cellary  - home page

Department of Information Technology
Poznan University of Economics and Business

Abstract:  The growing impact of emerging information technologies such as the internet of things, augmented reality, biometrics, cloud computing and big data on persons’ privacy is explained. The modus operandi of several specific privacy destroying technologies is analyzed, as well as mutual dependencies among presented technologies.