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Rezultaty prac badawczych prowadzonych przez Zespół Optymalizacji Sieci Bezprzewodowych zostały dotychczas opublikowane w następujących artykułach:

  1. M. Gorawski, K. Grochla, Review of Mobility Models for Performance Evaluation of Wireless Networks, Man-Machine Interactions 3, 567-577,Springer International Publishing
  2. K. Grochla, K. Polys, Influence of the Handoff Threshold Hysteresis on Heterogeneous Wireless Network Performance, Proceedings of 7th International Working Conference HET-NETs 2013, Ilkley 2013
  3. M. Gorawski, K. Grochla, The Real-Life Mobility Model: RLMM, Proceedings of Second International Conference on Future Generation Communication Technologies, London, 2013
  4. K. Grochla, K. Polys, Simplified model of wireless network throughput changes resulting from client mobility, Proceedings of SIMUTools 2014, Lisbon 2014
  5. Giovanni Giambene, Tara Ali-Yahiya, Van Anh Le, Krzysztof Grochla, Konrad Połys, Resource Management and Cell Planning in LTE Systems in book “Wireless Networking for Moving Objects: Models, Approaches, Techniques, Protocols, Architectures, Tools, Applications and Service”, Springer LNCS 8611, 2014.
  6. Francisco Barcelo-Arroyo, Michal Gorawski, Krzysztof Grochla, Israel Martin-Escalona, Konrad Polys, Andrea G. Ribeiro, Rute Sofia, Enrica Zola: New Trends in Mobility Modelling and Handover Prediction, in book “Wireless Networking for Moving Objects: Models, Approaches, Techniques, Protocols, Architectures, Tools, Applications and Service”, Springer LNCS 8611, 2014.
  7. K. Połys, Wpływ Wielkości Histerezy Przełączeń na Przepustowość w Sieci LTE, Studia Informatica, Vol 35, No 3 (2014)
  8. P. Foremski, M. Gorawski, K. Grochla, Source Model of TCP Traffic in LTE Networks. In Information Sciences and Systems 2014 (pp. 125-135). Springer International Publishing
  9. M. SÅ‚abicki, K. Grochla, The Automatic Configuration of Transmit Power in LTE Networks Based on Throughput Estimation, 33rd International Performance Computing and Communications Conference
  10. M. SÅ‚abicki, K. Grochla, Performance Evaluation of SNMP, NETCONF and CWMP Management Protocols in Wireless Network, 4th International Conference on Electronics, Communications and Networks
  11. K. Połys, K. Grochla, Mobility Robustness in LTE Based on Automatic Neighbor Relation Table, Computer Networks, Springer International Publishing, 2015
  12. P. Foremski, K. Grochla, LTE or WiFi? Client-side Internet link selection for smartphones, Computer Networks, Springer International Publishing, 2015
  13. M. Slabicki, K. Grochla, Local Approach to Power Management in LTE Networks, 38th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), 2015
  14. M. Gorawski, K. Grochla, K. Połys, Variability of LTE Signal in Indoor Environment, Internet in the Information Society, 10th Scientific Conference, Dabrowa Gornicza 2015
  15. K. Grochla, K. Połys, Subcarrier Allocation for LTE Soft Frequency Reuse Based on Graph Colouring, Information Sciences and Systems 2015: 30th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS 2015), , Springer International Publishing, London 2015
  16. M. Słabicki, K. Grochla, Influence of the Management Protocols on the LTE Self-configuration Procedures’ Performance, Information Sciences and Systems 2015: 30th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences (ISCIS 2015), Springer International Publishing, London 2015
  17. K. Grochla, M. Gorawski, K. Połys, Comparison of measurements and simulation model of indoor signal level variation in LTE networks, EAI Endorsed Transactions on Future Internet 16(9): e2. ACM, 2015
  18. P. Foremski, K. Grochla, Demo: Wireless Link Selection on Smartphone: Throughput vs Battery Drain, Proceedings of the 21st Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking (Mobicom 2015), ACM, Paris 2015
  19. P. Foremski, M. Gorawski, K. Grochla, K. Polys. Energy-Efficient Crowdsensing of Human Mobility and Signal Levels in Cellular Networks. Sensors. 2015; 15(9):22060-22088.
  20. K. Grochla, K. Połys, Dobór parametrów mechanizmu zwielokrotnienia wykorzystania częstotliwości SFR w sieciach LTE, Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji i Teleinformatyki (KSTiT 2015), Kraków 2015
  21. P. Masek, J. Hosek, Y. Zakaria, D. Uhlir, V. Novotny, M. Slabicki, K. Grochla, "Experimental Evaluation of RAN Modelling in Indoor LTE Deployment," in Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT), 2015 7th International Congress on, Brno 2015
  22. K. Grochla, K. Połys, "Using Kalman Filters on GPS Tracks." Man–Machine Interactions 4, Springer International Publishing, 2016
  23. M. Slabicki, K. Grochla, "Performance Evaluation of CoAP, SNMP and NETCONF Protocols in Fog Computing Architecture", IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium, 2016
  24. M. Slabicki, K. Grochla, " PyLTEs – Python LTE Evaluation Framework for Quick and Reliable Network Optimization", in 39th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP), 2016
  25. K. Grochla, K. Połys, "Load balancing in LTE by Tx power adjustment", 23rd International Conference, CN 2016, Brunów, Poland, June 14-17, 2016, Proceedings. Gaj P., Kwiecień A., Stera P. (Eds.). CCIS Vol. 608, pp. 216-225, 2016
  26. P. Masek, M. Slabicki, J. Hosek, K. Grochla, Transmission Power Optimization in Live 3GPP LTE-A Indoor Deployment, in Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Control Systems and Workshops (ICUMT), 2016 6th International Congress on, Lisbon 2016
  27. K. Grochla, K. Połys, Analiza wpływu mocy nadawania stacji bazowych na mechanizmy równoważenia obciążenia w sieciach LTE, Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji i Teleinformatyki (KSTiT 2016), Gliwice 2016
  28. M. Gorawski, K. Grochla, K. Połys, Distributed measurements of wireless network signal coverage, Annual Report 2017, Polish Academy of Sciences, 2017
  29. K. Połys, K. Grochla, Model zmienności przepływności bitowej transmisji w sieciach LTE oparty o łańcuchy Markowa, Krajowe Sympozjum Telekomunikacji i Teleinformatyki (KSTiT 2017), Przegląd Telekomunikacyjny, Warszawa 2017
  30. R. Marjasz, K. Grochla, A. Strzoda, Z. Łaskarzewski,   Simulation Analysis of Packet Delivery Probability in LoRa Networks. Praca przyjęta na konferencję Computer Networks CN 2019, Springer International Publishing, Kamień Śląski 2019
  31. K. Połys, K. Grochla, M. Gorawski, A. Frankiewicz:         Accuracy of UWB location tracking devices when on the move, Praca przyjęta na konferencję Computer Networks CN 2019, Springer International Publishing, Kamień Śląski 2019