Information for authors

As HET-NETs is a working conference, the proceedings will be prepared and published by the organizers. The best contributions will be subject to more detailed evaluation process, and will published after the conference in separate publication. The articles of the recent HETNETs conferences were published by River Publishers as three monographs:
"Performance Modelling and Analysis of Heterogeneous Networks",
"Traffic and Performance Engineering for Heterogeneous Networks",
"Mobility Management and Quality-of-Service for Heterogeneous Networks"
The tutorials presented on previous HET-NETs conferences are currently being published as a book by Springer-Verlag.

For evaluation process the authors are invited to submit the full paper due to 30th Nov 2009. After acceptance, the camera ready full papers are expected before the 17th December 2009.

The poster session abstracts should be submitted before 10th December 2009. They are not subject to evaluation and will be printed as received.

The length of submitted papers cannot exceed 12 pages of B5 format (as in attached templates).

The accepted formats

The final versions of papers should be submitted in the LaTeX or MS Word formats. The papers should be submitted using the form at the submission page. Please submit the source file - the .doc file in case of MS Word and the zip file containing the tex file, all figures and bibliography.


For MS Word users - the sample MS Word file

For LaTeX users - the zip file with style file and sample tex source