HET-NETs 2010
Sixth International Working Conference on
Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks
HET-NETs 2010
14 - 16 Jan 2010, Zakopane, Poland
The Conference Proceedings in pdf file
The HET-NETs conferences aim to motivate fundamental theoretical & applied research into the performance modelling, analysis and engineering of evolving & converging multi-service networks of diverse technology and the next generation Internet (NGI). It’s goal is to bring together the networking scientist and engineers from both academia and the industry, to share the knowledge on performance evaluation of heterogeneous networks. The conference will concentrate on the following topics:
•   Traffic Modelling, Characterisation and Engineering
•   Experimental Performance Validation and Measurement PlatformsÂ
•   Broadband Access and TCP Performance Prediction
•   Numerical, Simulation and Analytic Methodologies
•   QNMs with Blocking, Switching QNMs
•   Performance Modelling and Congestion Control
•   Optimal Broadcasting and Multicasting Schemes
•   Performance issues in Optical and Sensor Networks
•   Performance Evaluation and Mobility Management in Wireless Networks
•   Overlay Networks
•   Wireless and Multihop Ad-Hoc Networks (MANETs)
•   End-to-End Quality of Service (QoS) in Heterogeneous Networks
•   Quality Feedback for Perceived Service Dependability
•   Performance Related Security Mechanisms
The conference is technically sponsored by:
Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics of Polish Academy of Sciences