Registration and fees

The conference fee is 244 EUR (200 EUR + 22% VAT) or 1000 PLN (including VAT). It includes:

It should be paid by a bank transfer to:

44-100 Gliwice, Poland, ul. Bałtycka 5
Account No: PL66 1050 1285 1000 0022 7840 1522 (for payment in EUR)
Account No: PL 19 1050 1285 1000 0002 0211 3585 (for payment in PLN)
Bank: ING BSK I Oddz. Gliwice

Please, include in bank transfer the following note: "HET-NETs conference fee" and the name of the participant. Unfortunatelly we are not able to accept credit card payments. The conference fee should be paid before the 31 Dec 2009. Alternativelly the conference fee may be paid by cash on-site, but an additional fee of 20 EUR will be charged.

If you need an invoice please send an email with the required data (the name of the institution, the address, the VAT id no - NIP) to

We plan to organize an excursion around the Tatra mountains (including Polish and Slovakian part) with visit to one of the caves on 16th January. The approximatelly cost is 50EUR, it can be paid on-site or jointly with the conference fee.

The HET-NET conference will take place in the GEOVITA Zakopane Conference Center. We have negotiated a special room prices (approximetelly 40 EUR per night including meals), which will be available for reservation up to the 14th of December. We will reserve the rooms for you if you register and indicate the date of arrival and departure. If you want to reserve a room after this date please send us information about the dates of your arrival and departure as soon as possible, even if you are unsure. To register and make the Geovita room reservation please send an email to

If you prefer to stay elsewhere, some other hotels can be found in Zakopane within walking distance of the conference, but we really think that staying at Geovita is the most convenient choice.

Anyway, we strongly recommend early hotel reservation as Zakopane is a popular winter resort.