Polska wersja English version 

Team members

Wireless Network Optimization Team members:

1. dr inż. Krzysztof Grochla - Google Scholar

Krzysztof Grochla is researcher and leader of R&D projects. He has 4 years experience working as a head of R&D Department and two years of experience as a research team leader. He has also a large experience in managing and realization of research projects – he managed 4 projects valued over 1 mln PLN financed by PARP and NCBIR; and managed the polish partner role in two international projects financed through 7FP and Eureka initiative. He is author of over 70 research papers in journals and conference proceedings. He is inventor of two USPTO patents and two patent applications submitted to USPTO.

His research is oriented on performance evaluation of networking protocols and mechanisms for autoconfiguration and optimization of wireless networks. He is using discrete event simulations and mathematical analysis to find optimal parameters and algorithms for wireless access points and base stations. He worked also on network management systems and its software architecture.

2. mgr inż. Paweł Foremski - Google Scholar

Paweł Foremski received his MSc Eng. degree in Informatics (Macrocourse) in 2011 from the Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice, Poland. In years 2004-2010 he was the co-founder, Vicepresident, and CTO of ASN Sp. z o.o., in which he lead several projects, including Lintrack operating system, Miure wireless bridge, RadioOS software for MikroTik. In 2011 he defended his master thesis "Statistical, real-time classification of IP traffic in Linux operating system". Since 2012 he works as a research assistant at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics of the Polish Academy of Sciences. In years 2011-2013 he was the Principal Investigator in grant "Multilevel traffic classification in the Internet" (Mutrics). His professional interests include Traffic Classification, Machine Learning, Computer Networks, and Wireless Networks.

3. dr inż. Michał Gorawski - Google Scholar

M.Sc. in Computer Science and a doctoral student in the Institute of Computer Science on Faculty of Automatic Control, Electronics and Computer Science, Silesian University of Technology , Gliwice. His main research fields are spatio-temporal data indexing and load balancing in distributed Data Warehouse systems. Since 2013 works as Research Assistant  in the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics, Polish Academy of Sciences in Wireless Network Optimization Team (WNOT). His research focuses on mobility modeling in wireless networks. Co-author of 4 papers in WNOT, and author/co-author of approx. 30 papers in the field of Database and Data Warehouse technology. The h-index: H=6 (Google Scholar), H=4 (ArnetMiner, AMiner) and H=4 (Web of Science, Scopus).

4. dr inż Konrad Połys - Google Scholar

He graduated two-stage Computer Science studies at the Częstochowa University of Technology with specialization in Computer Networks and Network Information Technologies. In 2012 he defended his thesis titled "Methods of implementation of IPv6 using IPv4 network infrastructure." Since 2013 he is an assistant at the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Sciences of Polish Academy of Sciences in Gliwice and a member of the Wireless Network Optimization Team.  Enthusiast of new technologies, focused on development in the areas of administration and construction of computer networks.

Alumni ZOSB:

dr inż Mariusz Słabicki - Google Scholar


Mariusz Słabicki received his M.Sc. degree in 2011 from the Wroclaw University of Technology with thesis „Comparison of routing algorithms in Wireless Sensor Networks”. For over two years he was a research assistant in the project „Long time operating and robust wireless sensor networks with application to environment monitoring and threat alarming” funded by the National Science Centre. During this time he was a member of the Computer Achitecture Group in the Wroclaw University of Technology. Since Janurary 2014 he is a research assistant in the Institute of Theoretical and Applied Informatics of the Polish Academy of Sciences, member of the Wireless Network Optimization Team.