Projects in progress
Wireless Network Optimization Team performs or participates in the following projects:
Optimization and load balancing in next generation wireless networks
LIDER Project of the years 2013 - 2015, worth 1.2 million PLN, funded by NCBiR.
The increase in the number of devices that use wireless data transmission and the amount of data is causing the congestion in wireless networks. This project responds to this problem and aims to increase the efficiency of LTE, WiFi and heterogeneous networks and to reduce the cost of their construction and maintenance. In the project will be developed new algorithms for self-optimization and load balancing for wireless networks. Their introduction will significantly increase the bandwidth available for users by balancing of traffic in base stations and reduce deployment costs by using autoconfiguration mechanisms.
COST WiNeMO: Wireless Network of Moving Objects
ProjectCOST IC0906 for the years 2010 to 2014 funded by the European Cooperation in Science and Technology