Polska wersja English version 

Current reasearch carried on by WNOT

The Wireless Network Optimization Team has developed the following technologies as a result of the research carried on:

1. Power consumption optymalization algorithm during monitoring of mobile's user

The BX-GPS technology allows monitoring of smartphone mobility, with much lower baterry drain than by just enabling the GPS. It doeas not require to change users' habits related to phone charging, while providing continuosly tracking of the client location and uploads to a server for later processing.

2. Mobility model based on patterns of human behavior - RLMM (Real-Life Mobility Model)

The performance evaluation of mobile wireless networks requires a representation of user mobility. Mobility models are the essential part of such evaluation because they assure examples of mobile nodes movement for typical scenarios. Mobility models provide synthetic traces adjusted to user’s needs. We propose a novel RLMM model that produces synthetic traces of a working human and includes clear division on working days and weekend activities. We describe the model and evaluate it using simulation. The model provides better representation of changes in human behavior on different days than the models available in the literature.

Software created by WNOT:

1. Simulation model of user's handover in mobile network

We have developed a number of simulation models for OMNeT++ environment that allow the analysis of mobile wireless network performance. We have included various radio propagation models and expanded the INET framework by propagation model of SUI. We modeled procedures of users hondoff between base stations and access points and developed algorithms for modeling of network throughput changes caused by the client mobility.

2. RLMM mobility model

Number of nodes:
Simulation duration (in seconds):
Simulation's space width (x):
Simulation's space hight (y):

3. Generating TCP Traffic in LTE Networks

We propose a generator that represents traffic transmitted in mobile wireless networks. It is based on measurements of IP flows in a real, large-scale LTE network. The proposed tool generates TCP flow sizes and durations. We verify the generator by comparison with the traces available in the literature, and we propose application in OMNeT++ discrete event simulators. Further information about this project will appear in the proceedings of ISCIS conference, October 27-28, 2014 Krakow, Poland.

Download TCP_gen.zip