Steps towards self-aware networks - Key-note speach by prof. Erol Gelenbe
Erol Gelenbe
Professor in the Dennis Gabor Chair, Imperial College London
We present the design of a packet network where paths are dynamically selected based on quality of service (QoS) metrics that can
be specified by the users of the network or by the network's access points. The approach uses on-line measurement associated with the traffic
itself, and reinforcement learning throughout the nodes of the network, to try to satisfy the users' QoS objectives. The talk will present
numerous measurement studies of this approach on a large laboratory test-bed. The seminar is based on our recent paper in the Communications
of the ACM (July 2009), which integrates different aspects of our research including network design, performance evaluation models and
methods, and probability models of neuronal networks.
About the speaker
Erol Gelenbe graduated from the Middle East Technical University (Ankara, Turkey) and was elected to professorial chairs
successively at the University of Liege (Belgium) at the age of 27, then the University of Paris Sud-Orsay, the University of Paris V, Duke
University, University of Central Florida, and Imperial College. He is a member of the French National Academy of Engineering, the Turkish Academy
of Sciences, and of Academia Europaea. He has graduated some 50 PhD students, many of whom are prominent in France, Greece, China, Turkey, and
North and South America. A Fellow of IEEE and ACM, he won the ACM SIGMETRICS Life-Time Achievement Award for his contributions to probability models of computer and network performance in 2008. He was the first Computer Scientist to win the Grand Prix France-Telecom of the French Academy of Sciences in 1996, and has received several Doctorates Honoris Causa. The President of Italy appointed him Commander of Merit and Grande Ufficiale in the Order of the Star of Italy. He is an Officer of Merit of France and has received several "honoris causa" doctorates.
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