Mobility models for mobility management - Key-note speach by prof. Vincente Casares-Giner
Vicente Casares-Giner
Professor at Universidad Politecnica de Valencia
E. T. S. I. Telecomunicacion
Departamento de Comunicaciones
The key-note slides in pdf format
The main goals of today's wireless mobile telecommunication systems is to provide both, mobility and ubiquity to mobile terminals (MTs) with a given satisfactory quality of service. By mobility we understand as the ability that the MT be connected to the network via a wireless radio telecommunication channel. By ubiquity we understand as the ability that the MT be connected to the network anytime, anywhere, regardless of the access channel's characteristics. In this talk we deal with mobility aspects. More precisely, we provide some basic backgrounds on mobility models that are being used in performance evaluation of relevant mobility management procedures, such as handover and location update. For handover, and consequently for channel holding time, we revisit the characterization of the cell residence time (also named as cell dwelling time or cell sojourn time). Then, based on those previous results, models about the
location area residence time are built. Cell residence time can be seen as a micro-mobility parameter while the second can be considered as a macro-mobility parameter. Both have a significant impact on the handover and location update algorithms. Also, we overview some gravitation models, based on transportation theory, which are useful for mobility management procedures.
About the speaker
Dr. Vicente Casares-Giner ( obtained the Telecommunication Engineering degree in October 1974 from Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación (ETSIT-UPM) de Madrid and the Ph.D. in Telecommunication Engineering in September 1980 from ETSIT-UPC de Catalunya (Barcelona). During the period from 1974 to 1983 he worked on problems related to signal processing, image restoration, and propagation aspects of radio-link systems. In the first half of 1984 he was a visiting scholar at the Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm) dealing with digital switching and concurrent EUCLID for Stored Program Control telephone exchanges. Since then he has been involved in traffic theory applied to telecommunication systems. He has published papers in international magazines and conferences: IEEE, Electronic Letters, Signal Processing, IEEE-ICASSP, IEEE-ICC, EURASIP-EUSIPCO, International Teletraffic Conference (ITC) and its ITC Special Seminars, IC on Digital Signal Processing, Wireless Conference, ICUPC, WCNC, etc. From 1992 to 1994, and 1995, he worked in traffic and mobility models of MONET (R-2066) and ATDMA (R-2084) European RACE projects. From September 1, 1994 till august 31, 1995, Professor Casares Giner was a visiting scholar at WINLAB Rutgers University-, working with random access protocols applied to wireless environment, wireless resource management, and land mobile trunking system. During the editions of 1996, 1997 and 1998 he also participated as a lecturer in the Master of Mobile Telecommunication, sponsored by VODAFONE (Spanish branch), where he was in charge of lecturing the mobility and traffic models for dimensioning. Professor Casares Giner also has participated in the OBANET project (2001– 2003, FP5 of the EC and other related project). He has participated in the Network of Excellence (NoE) Euro-NGI, Euro-FGI and Euro-NF within the FP6 and FP7 ( Since September 1996 he is at Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros de Telecomunicación (ETSIT-UPV) de Valencia. His main interest is in the area of wireless systems, in particular random access protocols, voice and data integration, systems capacity and performance on mobility management.
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